FIU - School of Computing and Information Sciences
Course Evaluation System

The Course Evaluation System (CES) is an online computer software system designed to conduct course evaluations at the end of every semester. The system provides students with a list of courses provided by the School of Computing and Information Sciences that are receiving evaluations and for which they are registered; after the evaluation period is over the system generates reports maintaining the participant's anonymity, and then it allows administrators to look at the generated reports.

Students can submit evaluations starting using their Internet connected home or lab computer. To log in, students need to use their University computer user name and their Panther ID number as the password.


Please select the 'Login' button to access the system.


Please take our Open Labs Survey: Click Here


If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to:

Privacy Policy:

Your account information shall be used for authenticating your identification only. Your evaluations/comments shall remain anonymous. Instructors receive course summary reports and comments after grades are submitted.


If you encounter the following message from your web browser when you log out of the Course Evaluation System do not be alarmed: "Warning! You have requested an insecure document..." When you log into the system, your web brower establishes and maintains a secure connection to the web application. Your web browser will indicate that the web page you are viewing is secure by displaying the closed yellow lock icon at the bottom of your web browser. After you log out of the Course Evaluation System, your browser may inform you that you are leaving the system to view a page which is not secure. This behavior is normal since the Course Evaluation System's welcome page is not a page which requires authentication to view as are many web pages you view on the Internet. In review, from the time you log into the system until after you log out, your connection to the server is secure.

Instructions to Complete the "Course Evaluations Form":

The form consists of 3 parts:

  • Part A - Survey of Course Delivery consists of several multiple choice questions that apply to all courses.
  • Part B - Student Suggestions consists of a text box where students can enter their comments/suggestions.
  • Part C - Survey of Course Outcomes consists of several multiple choice questions that apply specifically to the course being evaluated.
For each multiple choice question, you may select only one answer or leave it blank. The comments section may also be left blank.
  1. During the evaluation period, select the LOGIN button above and provide your assigned username and password.
  2. After the system accepts your login, it will present you with a list of course sections for which you are registered and which are receiving evaluations.
  3. Choose one of the course sections by selecting the course number. The Course Evaluation Form for the selected section will appear on the screen.
  4. After making your selections and completing the comments section, select the "Confirm Selections" button at the bottom of the screen to verify your selections.
  5. After reviewing your selections, you may submit your evaluation by selecting the "Submit" button at the bottom of the review form.
  6. You will be redirected to the home page, where you can see the updated list of course sections. The courses for which you have submitted an evaluation will display an 'evaluation submitted' message.
  7. Once you have completed your evaluation forms, select the "Log Off" option listed on the top right side of the screen.
  8. You can log off and complete additional evaluations at a later time during the evaluation period. However, any evaluation you have submitted cannot be edited or read.
  9. You can change your password for future access to the system during the evaluation period by selecting the "Change My Password" option on the top right side of the screen. If you lose your password it can be reset by contacting staff at
